Wednesday, 10 February 2016

A Short Reflection on Ash Wednesday

The reception of the ashes is an outward sign of inward conversion. By receiving the ashes we acknowledge that we are sinners, that we have grievously offended God, that we have disobeyed his laws, but now that we are sincerely sorry and contrite. The ash will be utterly useless if its reception does not lead to true change of heart.

Repentance is the overriding theme of the period of lent. Repentance is at the heart of the Gospel. It is the basic condition of becoming an authentic Christian. Without conversion nobody can enjoy a meaningful and intimate relationship with Jesus, nobody can see the face of God or enter into the Kingdom of God.

The message of repentance can sound almost like a cliché in the modern ear. Yet the Church will never stop proclaiming this message. Conversion was the first topic Jesus discussed in the Gospels. As soon as He was baptized Jesus began to proclaim the message of repentance: the time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God has come near, repent and believe in the Gospel (Mk 1:15).  And in Luke 13:3 Jesus warns us sternly: I tell you, unless you repent you will all perish.

St Peter preaching at the Portico of Solomon says “repent and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord (Acts 3:19-20). St Paul speaking to the Athenians says “overlooking the time of ignorance, God is telling everyone everywhere that they must repent, because he has fixed a day when the whole world will be judged” (Acts 17:30).

 The time for repentance is now. Now is the favorable time. If you hear his voice today harden not your heart. All our activities of this holy period of lent should lead to repentance so that we can celebrate Easter as new creatures, true sons and daughters of God, citizens of heaven.

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