Tuesday, 19 January 2016
Varieties of Spiritual Gifts 1Cor 12:4-11
There are varieties of spiritual gifts in the Church. There are different kinds of spiritual gifts for different kinds of people. God desires pluriformity and not uniformity. All the spiritual gifts are equal in importance. None is superior to another. For example, the gift of working miracles is not necessarily superior to the gift of counselling. There is no reason to exaggerate the importance of some gifts and depreciate others. Though it is true that a particular spiritual gift may be more relevant in a particular place and at a particular time.
Every human being is endowed with some gifts. The spiritual gifts are not meant for the privileged few. Everybody without exception receives something. Some have more. Some have less. But everybody has something. We all have an obligation to discover our gifts and use them wisely and fruitfully.
All spiritual gifts are from the same Spirit, the same Lord and the same God. God inspires them all. The spiritual gifts coming from the Lord are unmerited. They are absolutely gratuitous. There is nothing we could have done to merit them. Therefore, there is no place for pride and arrogance in the heart of a true Christian. What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not? (1Cor 4:7).
We cannot despise others who do not have the gifts we exercise. Neither there is any justification for feeling superior to those who have less. Spiritual gifts are not the only measure of holiness. It is possible to enjoy some great spiritual gifts and still be in danger of losing one’s soul.
We must not be envious of those who have the gifts we do not have. St Bonaventure says envy of the spiritual gifts of another is a sin against the Holy Spirit. We have to be content and grateful for what we have. And put our own gifts into good use. If we cannot be faithful in little things, the Lord will not entrust greater things to us (Cf. Lk 16:10).
The spiritual gifts are lavished on us for the common good, the spread of the Gospel, the establishment and expansion of the Kingdom of God, the growth of the Church- the body of Christ. The spiritual gifts are not for personal gain. You have received freely, give freely (Matt 10:8). We do not use our spiritual gifts merely to gain influence, leverage, recognition and cheap popularity. As the stewards of the manifold grace of God, each of you should use whatever gifts he has received to serve one another (1Pet 4:10). In the end, we will render an account of our use or abuse of our spiritual gifts.

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