Tuesday 14 May 2024

Victory in Christ

 Jesus tells us that “in the world you will have many troubles” (John 16:33). Jesus asserts this with a note of certainty and finality. In the world, we will face some troubles. Whether we like it or not, there will be troubles, from within and from without. There will be trouble when we least expect it and from where we least expect it.

It is naïve to wish that our lives were entirely peaceful; without any disturbance, challenge, and trouble. To live in such a way as to avoid all troubles is an exercise in futility. What is even worse? Trouble meets the person unprepared, confused and broken. Challenges, troubles and difficulties are part of human existence. We don’t need to look very far; we don’t need to search very hard to find problems in our world, society, families and personal lives.

However, this is not to say that life is full of troubles and nothing else. The statement of Jesus that there will be trouble in this world is not an invitation to pessimism and cynicism. Christ is not asking us to wear the glasses of negativity so that the only thing we see is trouble and nothing but trouble. Christ is not asking us to live a dry, joyless, dull and drab life. There are genuine moments of joy and happiness, excitement and ecstasy in life. Even in the midst of troubles; one can still experience profound peace and consolation.

There are two extremes we need to avoid. First, to wish to live a life without any trouble at all – this is actually an illusion. Second, to see trouble in everything – this is actually the greatest trouble. What we need is a balanced, informed and critical view of life. Life is a mixture, a combination of opposites – good and bad, truth and falsehood, light and darkness, joy and sadness, and happiness and sorrow.

Again, our emphasis is not on the fact that there are troubles in the world. Our emphasis is on the victory that Christ has won for us. Jesus says: “Take courage, I have conquered the world” (

John 16:33). As Christians, we believe that in the midst of our troubles, Christ is with us. He will never abandon us. He will grant us the courage, strength, fortitude, and graces we need to face the challenges of our lives. Our victory in Christ is indeed guaranteed.

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