Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Addressing Injustice

A strange complaint was raging in a Christian community. The greek widows complained that they were neglected in the daily distribution of food. The widows were not receiving their due. Deprivation of one's due is an injustice. An injustice gave rise to a complaint. The complaint called attention to an injustice.

The apostles admitted that there was an injustice. And they quickly addressed it. They appointed seven deacons to serve the whole community. The apostles did not ignore the complaint. They did not defend or justify an injustice. They did not delay in addressing the problem. They acted proptly. The little complaint was put to rest and the community moved on.

Many problems in the families, societies and nations began as a little complaint. A complaint calling attention to an injustice, inequality, wickedness and tyranny. The atrocious and vicious wars in the world began as a little complaint.

Often complaints are ignored or rejected. Injustice is defended or justified. Justice is delayed or denied. The divorce happening in this marriage began with a complaint. The agitations and uprisings unfolding in our world began with a complaint.

When complaints are ignored or treated with levity, an occasional complaint becomes frequent; silent complaint becomes very loud and just complaint becomes violent and vicious.

We need to examine our relationships to check whether there are complaints we ignore. Of course, not all complaints are valid. Some complaints are baseless. But we should not be too quick to dismiss a complaint. We may examine the complaints addressed to us in the light of truth, Justice and the Word of God.

If the complaints are valid, we need to address the problem immediately. Justice delayed is justice denied. Our inaction, denial and delay can become the worst form of injustice.

Our God is a God of justice. The Lord frowns at injustice. "Whoever sows injustice will reap calamity" (Prov 22:8). We can't afford to be deaf to legitimate complaints around us. We cannot be blind to instances of injustice in our society. We can't remain insensitive or indifferent to the cries of injustice.

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