Friday, 2 September 2016

Psalm 23: The Praise of Divine Providence

Psalm 23 is one of the most popular, most beautiful and most meaningful poems in the bible. It is more than a poem; it is also a profound prayer of trust in divine providence and protection. It has been translated into almost all the living languages, sung by millions of musicians and memorized by countless number of people.

This psalm is suitable for all times and places- in times of peace or war; joy or sorrow; plenty or want; well being or sickness. It provides sense of meaning and purpose in times of distress and uncertainties of life.

It is loved by different kinds of people- children sing it every morning in school, soldiers recite it in war fronts, prisoners say it in the darkness of their cells, and the sick pray it on their sickbeds. It has inspired and enlivened both old and young, rich and poor, believers and non believers alike. The dying wish to sing it as the last song on their lips.

This beautiful Psalm has brought smiles to distressed faces, peace to restless hearts, confidence to the fearful, encouragement to the discouraged, hope to the hopeless and guidance to the lost. It has calmed fears, addressed concerns, removed sorrows and dispelled anxieties and hopelessness.

The theme of this beloved Psalm is reassuring, the structure is endearing and the appeal is magnetic. It has a compelling force and enduring attraction. In any situation we find ourselves, the psalm reminds us of the abiding presence of God and his unfailing providence.

If we forget everything in this world, even if we forget our names, we must never forget that the Lord is our shepherd. There is nothing we shall want. Fresh and green are the pastures where He gives us repose.  And near restful waters he leads us, to revive our drooping spirit.

He guides us along the right path; he is true to his name. And even if we should walk in the valley of darkness, we will fear no evil. He is there with his crook and staff to give us comfort. And surely goodness and kindness shall follow us all the days of our lives. In the Lord’s own house, we shall dwell forever and ever.