Wednesday, 15 June 2016

The Tale of Two Processions

The joyful procession led by Jesus entering the town of Nain and the sorrowful procession led by a corpse leaving the town evoke a profound imagery of human existence (Lk 7:11-17). Our existence is essentially a tale of two processions of life or death. The two processions represent the consequential choices we have to make in realms and realities life.


The procession of life was led by Jesus- the author of life.  Jesus says: I am the way, the truth and the life (Jn 14:6). Jesus, the Way was also leading the way. The disciples led by the Life were  enlivened; following the Light were illumined; taught by the Truth were enlightened;  strengthened by the power of god were energized. In the company of Jesus, the disciples were happy and joyful because the joy of the Lord is their strength (Neh 8:10). The procession of life is both a lively possession and a lovely company.


The procession of death was led by a corpse- a lifeless body. A large crowd of mourners was following this procession. This possession was anything but joyful. The people following this procession were sad, mournful and sorrowful. Their hearts were filled with anguish, agony and pain of a great loss. The mother of the young man swooned and was inconsolable because she lost her only child. She was shaken and shattered. She was absolutely devastated.


Life is a tale of two processions. The two processions are symbol of Christian life (spiritual life) and sinful life (spiritual death). The first procession- the procession of life is the imagery of those living authentic Christian life by following Jesus. We follow the procession of life when we live according to the Spirit, follow the commandment of God, cultivate virtues and avoid vices, carry our cross everyday and follow Christ. Like obedient sheep, we follow the shepherd wherever He goes (Rev 14:4). Our ultimate reward is eternal life.

The second procession- the procession of death is allegory of sinful life. The people in this rueful procession follow the way of death. We follow The procession of death when we live in hoary denial of existence of God, live unspiritual life, live according to flesh, wallow in our sins, ignore the commandments of God, and follow our depraved inclinations. The road to damnation is broad and many travel it (Matt 7:13). The wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23).


We often say that life is a journey. But life is more a procession. Since we do not undertake the journey of life alone. No man is an island. We undertake the journey of life in a procession, in the company of others. We have to choose between the procession of life and the procession of death, between spiritual life and spiritual death.  Who is leading my procession? In whose company am I travelling? Where is my destination? We will spend our whole life answering these fundamental questions.

Lord you will show me the path of life and in your presence happiness forever (Ps 16:11).

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for writing this. I love the psalm verse below your posting. He will show us the path! For you this verse: "As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him!" (Colossians 2:6)

    Thank you so much for this Biblestudy. Hope it is well with you.
