Sunday, 17 June 2018


Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even if these may forget, yet I will not forget you (Is 49:15).  This is a stupendous promise of God to us. No matter the situation we may find ourselves; no matter how hard, how tough, how long our challenges may last- the Lord promises never to forget us.

God will not forget us because He has said it. God does whatever He says. God can never say one thing and do another. God is faithful. The Lord is faithful in all His words (Ps 145:13). God is faithful, even if we are unfaithful, God will still be faithful, for he cannot deny Himself (2Tim 2:13).

This promise is the source of strength for us especially when we are facing difficulties of life. When the whole world abandons us; when we have nobody to turn to or nowhere to run to; when God seems to delay in answering our prayers; when it seems time is running out for God’s promises to be fulfilled- let us remember that the Lord will never forget us.

The Lord has indelibly engraved our names in His heart even before we were born. It is not now that He will forget us.
Though the Lord will never forget us, let us never forget to remind Him not to forget us!