Every human being is unique, unrepeatable and irreplaceable. There is no two of you. You are also endowed with unique and stupendous gifts. You are created for a purpose. You have a special role to play in the universe, a specific mission to fulfill, a contribution to make, a song to sing. You are sent to this world to make a difference. A difference only you can make. Your existence is not accidental. You are a creature with a vocation.
Your first task in life is to discover your true identity. And in discovering your true identity you will discover your true purpose in life. To live without a purpose is to travel without a destination, to shoot without a target, to navigate the sea without a lighthouse. To live without a purpose is to live aimlessly, without any sense of direction. Without purpose talents are buried, energy is lost, time is wasted, passion is dissipated- life is meaningless.
Who am I? Why am I here? What am I living for? These questions may lead to the discovery of your purpose in life. You will need to carefully identify your talents, gifts, and propensity. You will need some moments of introspection, of soul –searching; you have to listen to your heart; you must pay close attention to your feelings. Your heart and your feelings cannot deceive you. The answer to your vocation lies within your heart. Only you can find it.
Your life purpose should be specific not vague; concrete not esoteric; challenging not undemanding; fulfilling not perfunctory, achievable not unattainable. Your purpose should arouse your interest, command your attention, fill you with energy and enthusiasm, and give you a sense of direction. It must enrich you and bring the best out of you. Your mission in life should be bigger than you; If possible outlive you. Your purpose should impart positively on others and make this world a better place. Your purpose should place you at positive side of history.
Once you discover your purpose in life you must pursue it in earnest. Make use of your talents and gifts to achieve your purpose. Plan how you intend to achieve your goal. “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” You will need courage, determination, perseverance and sheer will power to achieve your purpose. The going will be tough, the road will be narrow, the tunnel will be dark, the hill will be steep, the opposition will be strong, the battle will be fierce, the obstacle may appear insurmountable, but you must never abandon your dream. You must never give up or cave in.
Your happiness, success, and fulfillment will depend on realizing your purpose in life.
Discovering your purpose